free to choose

Free to Choose: A Classic Guide to Personal and Economic Freedom in 2023


Looking for a book that provides a comprehensive analysis of personal and economic freedom? Look no further than Free to Choose by Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman. First published in 1980, this book remains a timeless guide to understanding the principles of individual liberty and free market economics. In this book review, we will explore the key themes and insights presented by Friedman and how they continue to shape economic policy and personal freedoms around the world.

Chapter 1: The Power of the Market

In the first chapter of “Free to Choose,” Friedman lays out his argument for the power of the market economy. He demonstrates how markets when left to operate freely, allocate resources more efficiently and create more wealth than centrally planned systems.

He also addresses common criticisms of capitalism, such as income inequality and monopolies, and shows how they can be addressed through appropriate government policies.

Chapter 2: The Tyranny of Controls

In the second chapter, Friedman explores the dangers of government intervention in the economy. He argues that well-intentioned policies designed to protect consumers and workers often have unintended consequences, such as reducing economic growth and limiting personal freedom.

Friedman also critiques the idea that government officials are inherently more knowledgeable or ethical than individuals in the private sector.

Chapter 3: Anatomy of a Crisis

In chapter three, Friedman discusses the root causes of economic crises, such as inflation and unemployment. He shows how government policies, such as expanding the money supply and imposing price controls, can exacerbate these problems.

He also argues that government interventions aimed at solving crises often create new ones down the line.

Chapter 4: From Cradle to Grave

The fourth chapter of “Free to Choose” addresses the welfare state, which Friedman argues has grown too large and unsustainable. He shows how government programs intended to provide a safety net for the poor have instead created a culture of dependence and discouraged work.

He also suggests alternative approaches, such as a negative income tax and vouchers for education and healthcare.

Chapter 5: Created Equal

In the fifth chapter, Friedman tackles the issue of equality. He argues that the pursuit of equal outcomes, rather than equal opportunities, is misguided and ultimately leads to government coercion and reduced freedom. He emphasizes the importance of allowing individuals to pursue their own goals and talents, even if this results in income inequality.

Chapter 6: What’s Wrong with Our Schools?

The sixth and final chapter of Free to Choose focuses on education.

Friedman advocates for greater choice and competition in education, arguing that this will lead to better outcomes for students and more efficient use of resources. He also critiques the traditional public school system, which he sees as overly bureaucratic and resistant to change.

Chapter 7: TV Series

Free to Choose was not only a book but also a TV series that aired in 1980. The series was hosted by Milton Friedman and was based on the book of the same name. It consisted of ten episodes, each focusing on a different aspect of economic freedom and the role of the market in society.

The series was a massive success, reaching millions of viewers across the United States and around the world. It won several awards, including an Emmy for outstanding individual achievement in informational programming. The success of the series helped to popularize Friedman’s ideas and made him a household name.

The “Free to Choose” series is still available today, and many of its episodes can be found on online platforms such as YouTube. The series continues to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in economics, politics, and the relationship between personal freedom and government intervention.


Q: Is “Free to Choose” still relevant today?

Yes, absolutely. The principles and insights presented by Friedman in this book remain highly relevant to our modern world and continue to shape economic policy and personal freedoms around the globe.

Q: Who should read “Free to Choose”?

This book is recommended for anyone interested in economics, politics, or personal freedom. It is accessible to readers of all backgrounds and does not require prior knowledge of economics.

Q: What are some key takeaways from “Free to Choose”?

Some of the key takeaways from this book include the power of free markets, the dangers of government intervention, the importance of individual liberty, and the need for greater choice and competition in education.


In conclusion, “Free to Choose” is a timeless guide to personal and economic freedom that remains relevant today. Milton Friedman’s insights and arguments on the power of the market, the tyranny of controls, the anatomy of crises, the welfare state, equality, and education provide a compelling case for individual liberty and free market economics.

This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the principles that have shaped modern economic policy and the ongoing debates about personal freedoms and government intervention. Whether you are a student, a policymaker, or an interested citizen, “Free to Choose” is a valuable resource that will inform and inspire you. So go ahead and grab a copy of this classic book and discover for yourself why it continues to be a thought-provoking and influential work.

is the focus on the moral and ethical dimensions of economic freedom. Friedman argues that a free market is not only the most efficient way to allocate resources but also the most just and fair system. He believes that individuals should be free to make their own choices and that the government should not be in the business of dictating how people should live their lives. In this sense, “Free to Choose” is not just an economic treatise, but also a moral argument for individual freedom and choice.

In conclusion, Milton Friedman’s “Free to Choose” is a landmark work of economics and political philosophy. The book and television series were widely praised for their clarity and persuasiveness and helped to popularize the principles of classical liberalism and free-market economics. The main message of the book and series is that economic freedom is essential for a free and prosperous society, and that individual freedom and responsibility are necessary for a free society. “Free to Choose” is a must-read for anyone interested in economics, political philosophy, or the role of government in society.

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